Made in the USA


RoboMarker G2

The new generation of our RoboMarker® system. Complete with options of stainless steel, matte black coated or matte black with stainless steel buttons.

Why upgrade?
We listen to the needs of our surgeons.

With additions like...

  • Improved ergonomics from the 20% size increase.
  • Illumination of dial axis for easier legibility.
  • New vernier line for easier dial placement.
  • Multi-positional Robotip - allowing for marking sclera at 12mm, or at 7mm for the cornea.
  • New axis dial brake to avoid tip rotation during marking.
  • New laser target to assist centering of marks.
  • Personalized color selection “ROYGBIV” for surgeon’s illumination preference.

We aim to make surgeries better for surgeons, so patients get the best results.


A stainless-steel handpiece with self-leveling astigmatic axis dial and patient fixation light. This complete pre-operative solution to corneal marking is available to both visible spectrum and infrared applications.

It is a pendular system, calibrated by gravity, that uses 2 pendular weights and 2 high precision ball bearings to achieve accuracy to within 1° of where the user sets the axis dial.

Procedures and Compatibility
  • The RoboMarker® System can be used with femtosecond Lasers, TORIC IOLs, cataract surgeries, and in combination with astigmatism correction surgeries - any scenario corneal markers were used previously but with more accurate pre-op markings.

  • RoboTips™ VS can be used with visible spectrum laser platforms such as LenSx and Victus.
  • RoboTips™ IR are designed for use with infrared spectrum platforms such as Catalys and LENSAR as well as corneal crosslinking and intraoperative aberrometry systems that use infrared cameras.
Leveling and Accuracy
  • The RoboMarker® works with gravity. It is a pendular system comprised of two brass weights suspended between two high-precision ball bearings. The product is laser-tested at two different points during the manufacturing process to ensure accuracy.

  • The RoboMarker® axis dial has 5° increments, and is validated to mark within +/- 1° degree of where the user sets it.
How Is It Different From Other Handheld Or Digital Corneal Eye Markers?

Handheld corneal markers:

  • Require an autoclave to sterilize the corneal marker (so multiple costly markers are required)
  • Either require a marking pen/ink pad to ink the marking fins or cauterization of the cornea
  • Results in wet ink being applied to a wet cornea, most often leading to marks that smear and wear off in 10 – 15 minutes
  • Often require at least a two-step process (such as marking the horizontal and then using a Mendez axis ring) to deliver accurate marks

Pros of the RoboMarker® System

Has features that can increase surgical accuracy, patient comfort and safety, surgeon efficiency, and surgery center profitability.  It can be used for both visible spectrum (VS) and infrared (IR) marking applications.

  • ACCURACY: Two high precision ball bearings coupled with 2 internal pendular weights ensure that the RoboMarker® System is accurate to within 1° of where the user sets the axis dial. Every RoboMarker® handle is laser tested for accuracy prior to leaving the factory. Unique indexed weight alignment engineering ensures that the RoboMarker® is calibrated by gravity and never needs further calibration unless damaged. (Please do not attempt to use the RoboMarker® System in gravity-free environments.)
  • PATIENT COMFORT: Patients are accustomed to looking at a fixation light during preoperative testing. The RoboMarker® System’s internal fixation light not only helps ensure proper head positioning, but also allows your patients to be marked in the same manner they were measured (by focusing on a light), reducing a potential source of error since the patient’s eye is more likely to be in the same position it was in when their astigmatism was initially calculated.
  • SAFETY: Because RoboTips™ are sterile and single use disposable, there is less of a concern for biofilm cross contamination or issues associated with TASS (Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome).
  • EFFICIENCY: The RoboMarker® System saves an estimated 5 minutes per case. Since the marks last, multiple patients can be marked preoperatively, so there’s no more dashing back to pre-op between each case. No need to look for an ink pad or marking pen either;  RoboTips™ are preloaded with our special dry formula to leave beautiful marks that last for 2 hours. The RoboMarker® System also eliminates secondary marking in the OR; simply dial in the desired axis when marking during pre-op.
  • PROFITABILITY: Using the RoboMarker® System in pre-op eliminates the need for soaking, cleaning, sterilizing, inspecting, packaging, documenting, and restocking of instruments and as such saves the surgery center valuable technician time. Preoperative marking outside of the OR allows for faster OR turnover. The RoboMarker® System is so accurate and easy to use that technicians can be trained to mark patients, further reducing surgeon time-per-case. This allows more cases to be done in a single surgical day, leading to greater profitability for surgeons, ORs, and ASCs.
  • MULTIPLE FUNCTIONALITIES: Whether the RoboMarker® is used with visible spectrum or infrared applications, there is a corresponding tip that will deliver consistent, clear, long-lasting marks.

Digital marking systems:

  • Require an acquisition instrument that often means a new office equipment purchase
  • Require extra technician time for data input
  • Require a pairing procedure with the operating microscope
  • Are not 100% accurate, especially when depending on the results of one topographic instrument that may not reflect the true corneal cylinder over a range of optical zones
  • Cannot provide “on the fly” marking for a patient that is not entered into the system

Pros of the RoboMarker® System

Has accuracy that you can carry in your scrub pocket.  The system is gravity-calibrated, has multiple applications, a much lower per-case cost, and does not require a suite of its own or have an associated annual maintenance fee.

  • NO SUITE NECESSARY: Tight on space or the money needed to upfit a room for a digital system? The personal RoboMarker® is a small, highly accurate handpiece, and corresponding RoboTips™ can be carried comfortably in a surgeon’s or technician’s scrub pocket.
  • GRAVITY CALIBRATED: The RoboMarker®’s accuracy is based on gravity, there is no need to rely on any digital or electric system for proper use.
  • EFFICIENCY: With the RoboMarker® System, there is no need to worry about the transfer of data from one system to another, saving time.  Surgeons have the freedom to use the average corneal astigmatism value over a range of acquisition instruments, a technique that has been shown to offer advantages over using a single instrument value.
  • MULTIPLE FUNCTIONALITIES: The RoboMarker® System can be used anytime accurate alignment is required.  It is useful for Toric IOL placement, LRIs, LASIK alignment, and with any femtosecond laser.
  • LOW COST PER CASE: Most digital systems are quite expensive both to purchase and to maintain with the resulting cost per case generally falling in the $50- $100 range, depending on a surgeon’s case volume. The initial investment in the RoboMarker® handle is the equivalent cost of 1-2 upgraded procedures, and the return on investment is immediate, more efficiently enabling accurate outcomes with a cost per case of $11-$14.


Disposable corneal marking tips which come pre-loaded with marking ink, are available in two varieties of application.

  • RoboTips™ TPS101 for the visible spectrum
  • RoboTips™ IRT101 for the infrared applications.

When this dry formula contacts the wet cornea, the result is crisp, long-lasting marks.

Sterilization, Longevity and Use
  • The tip is sterilized and ready for use upon application to the robomarker.
  • The marking formula is already dry on the RoboTip™ which allows marks to last up to 2 hours. (Although we have seen them last even longer!)

Be sure to hold the eye open for 10 seconds after it has been marked to allow the marks to set, then have the patient keep their eyes closed until the time of surgery for optimal results post-op.

  • Specifically designed for single use in pre-op.

RoboTips™ TPS101 can be used with visible spectrum laser platforms such as LenSx and Victus.

RoboTips™ IRT101 are designed for use with infrared spectrum platforms such as Catalys and LENSAR. Our infrared marking formula is also useful for corneal crosslinking and intraoperative aberrometry systems that use infrared cameras.

Can I reuse the Robotips?

RoboTip products should NOT be reused.

RoboTips™ are a single use disposable item for one patient.

In order to avoid any cross-contamination, use a new sterile RoboTip™ for each new patient. If one fin swivels due to non-simultaneous touch down of the two fins on the cornea, do not be concerned. Our dry formula has enough ink per tip for two marks so simply remark the same patient.

Shelf Life and Storage

Our RoboTips™ have an expiration date that is displayed on the back of the individual tip package as well as on the side of the box. Surgilūm’s single use products have 2 year shelf life validation.

Single use RoboTips™ should be stored in a dry area within their original individual packaging. Use immediately once opened.

Inking Formula

RoboTips™ come with the dry marking formula pre-applied to the fins of the tips. When this dry formula contacts the wet cornea, the result is crisp, long-lasting marks. Our marking formulas avoid the common problem of ink smears in manual marking systems by applying a dry marking formula to the wet cornea rather than a wet ink solution, which is quickly blinked away.


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Steps in a Pre-Op Setting

1. Ensure the patient’s eye is numbed.

2. Double click the endpiece of the RoboMarker®.

This will activate the fixation light on the stainless handpiece with a long second click.

3. Attach a sterile, disposable RoboTip™ to the stainless steel RoboMarker® handpiece.

Use the appropriate RoboTips - pre-loaded with the VS or IR marking formula - for your application

4. Dial in the desired marking axis by rotating the indicator arrow (found below each marking fin) with the appropriate degree on the axis ring.

This is not limited to 180°, surgeons may choose ANY desired axis. Axes are labeled in 5° increments.

5. Have the patient sit up straight so that their torso is oriented vertically. (Remind them of the position they were in for in office preoperative testing and ask them to mimic that position keeping both eyes open but cupping their hand over the non-operative eye.)

6. Ask the patient to look at the fixation light while holding the RoboMarker® System about 18 inches from the eye and gently bring the RoboMarker® towards the eye to be marked.

7. Touch RoboTip™ fins to the cornea for 1-4, ensuring that both marking fins land on the cornea simultaneously. More pigment will be deposited with a longer touch, so gauge contact time based on how long it will be before a given case.

8. Hold the eye open for 10 seconds to allow the marking pigment to set.

9. Instruct the patient to keep both eyes closed until surgery, reminding them that this is important for the sake of keeping the information needed to treat their astigmatism intact. The need to keep both eyes closed is emphasized for the infrared formula because it is applied onto the cornea. Therefore, constant blinking after application can eventually blink it off. If you have a patient that is too curious to keep their eyes closed it is often helpful to lay them flat and put a gauze over their eye, so they are not tempted to look around and blink their eyes.

Marking with Lidocaine Jelly

Lidocaine jelly is thick, so we recommend using a couple drops of proparacaine (the thinner numbing drops) to thin it out before marking. You can still get a good mark without doing that, but you might get some ink runoff.

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